You must check our product catalog which products does not include any toxin for your baby’s health.
Don't throw your baby in the air
Throwing in the air in infants aged 6 months to 2 years causes some health problems, especially intestinal knotting.
Pay attention to the products you receive for your baby !!!
Eczema in Infants (Atopic Dermatitis)
Eczema is a skin condition that can be seen in any age group. The most common type in infancy is atopic dermatitis,...
Depression of Lohusa is a disease that is experienced by one out of every five women in the world and treatment is...
Thin cloth your baby thick cover
Consumers often ask this question when buying textile products; “Cotton or polyester?” They ask why;
We regularly have the products manufactured for babies checked by the unbiased international laboratories. Health and safety are indispensable for our most valuable creatures.